Contexto de acceso humanitario en Colombia

In Colombia, there are several blockages to humanitarian action get to affected communities by the ongoing crisis: natural hazards, armed conflicts and mixed migration flows from Venezuela and transcontinental. Following maps shows main barriers faced by humanitarian NGOs during the first semester of 2022: conflictos armados y los flujos migratorios mixtos provenientes de Venezuela y transcontinentales. Los mapas a continuación muestran estas barreras durante el primer semestre de 2022: 

1. Context humanitarian access barriers, those could be burocratic, security hazards or physical barriers faced by humanitarian organizations.

2. The current security hazards in the field, for civilians in general as well as humanitarian workers.

3. The access and mobility restrictions faced by civilians affected by the armed conflicts.

Humanitarian Access Barriers

This map shows landmines and unexploded devices incidents (Descontamina), attacks against medical or health mission (OCHA), attacks against humanitarian mission (OCHA) and access barriers reported by humanitarian actors trough OCHA and the NGO Forum. 

Security hazards in the field for humanitarian action

This map shows landmines and unexploded devices incidents (Descontamina), coca crops density (as a risk factor), identified non-state armed groups presence, and warlike and armed actions ocurred during 2022 first semester. 

Access and mobility restrictions faced by communities

This map shows landmines and unexploded devices incidents, attacks agains civil infrastructure and community confinement events.