• About Us

We are 30 national and international organizations, with an average presence in Colombia of 23 years. We work in 31 departments. The organizations of the Forum have 7,024 humanitarian workers (53% women, 47% men) and more than 95% are nationals.

On average, through the humanitarian response actions of the Forum organizations, 2.1 million people are reached annually.



The Humanitarian NGO Forum in Colombia promotes and is underpinned by the following universally recognized values and principles:

We apply the principle of "do no harm". We work with local communities and authorities to minimise any possible negative effects from the humanitarian action on people or the environment. 

We ask that parties respect our actions and guarantee humanitarian access for people and communities in crisis, according to international humanitarian principles and rights.

We are dedicated to strengthening protection mechanisms for affected communities, compatible with humanitarian principles, and we recognize that our presence contributes to protecting the population.


We uphold integrity and professionalism to the highest standards in all spheres of conduct, with zero tolerance policies regarding corruption, exploitation or sexual abuse. 

We hold ourselves accountable and report to the government and authorities, local communities, donors, interested actors and the general public in Colombia and our own countries.

In line with global localization efforts, we seek to provide support for the leadership, execution and capacity of local response teams and for the participation of affected communities in responding to needs.

We operate as not-for-profit organizations:we do not seek to profit from our action.