The Humanitarian NGO Forum in Colombia integrates national and international humanitarian organizations. Many integrate their humanitarian programs with development and peace consolidation actions, underpinned by the "triple nexus' approach.
The Forum is involved in two humanitarian coordination spaces in Colombia: The Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) and the Interagency Group for Mixed Migration Flows (GIFMM). Together we form part of the global and regional humanitarian platforms (ICVA, InterAction), the Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (R4V) and the civil society coalition for the defence of the rights of refugees, migrants and displaced people in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC RMD Coalition).
Made up of representatives from each organization. It meets monthly in order to tackle strategic matters and agreed objectives.
El Foro está liderado por un comité directivo compuesto por cinco directores/as, quienes son elegidos anualmente. Para el año 2024, el comité directivo está conformado por las siguientes organizaciones: Acción Contra el Hambre, Consejo Danés para los Refugiados (DRC), Consejo Noruego para los Refugiados (NRC), Fundación Halü Bienestar Humano y la Federación Luterana Mundial.
Supported by technical groups under the leadership of various members:
All members of the Forum are legally registered in Colombia. They undertake humanitarian interventions in the country, endorse humanitarian principles and contribute to collective efforts.